get into this businessの例文
b2b business to business
B2b business to business

business and business people
As an active business chamber, the council provides a forum for Malaysian and Australian linked businesses and business people. It also seems that Watkins disliked the process of raising f......

business is business
Business is business, politics is politics, and never the twain shall meet. Business is business, and my duty is to run a profitable store. I wish he could have done it here, but business ......

business neglected is business lost
Business neglected is business lost

business to business
This may vary from business to business, and may change over time. The details provided in a business directory varies from business to business. "It's a business to business issue and is ......

Though his manner was less satisfied than hi words . a matter of business . regard it as a matter o - business - business that must be done

Module 2 : business - to - business e - procurement Public versus private models for business - to - business integration So how does conversion apply to business - to - business seo Keywo......

business-to-business advertising
Business - to - business advertising

business-to-business agency
Business - to - business agency

business-to-business e-commerce
The focus of this project is on assessing the dynamics and impacts of business - to - business e - commerce at a sectoral level using a common methodology In the end , this thesis introduc......

every business is a growth business
From 1993 to 1997, annual sales grew 42 percent to $ 6.4 billion and profits rose 130 percent to $ 515 million, according to a book that describes Burnham's experience, " Every Business is......

semantics of business vocabulary and business rules
Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules ( SBVR ) and KDM are designed as two parts of a unique OMG Technology Stack for software analytics related to existing software systems.......

the business of america is business
Calvin Coolidge once said that the business of America is business. "The business of America is business, " proclaimed President Coolidge. Calvin Coolidge once famously observed that " the......

a bad business
At Wharton, they would refer to that as a bad business decision. A few million units a year _ that's not a bad business. Most of the time, being a bad business person is not criminal, Crit......

a big business
We all see this has potential to be a big business. He feared big government benevolence as much as big business trusts. It's a big business out here now ." When you have a big business ov......

a business
They do it because it makes sense from a business standpoint. But he sees something else as well : a business opportunity. Everyone who owns a business or a shop will be affected. He helpe......

a business adventure
"It wasn't a business adventure. Porcelli said he wanted to invest $ 50, 000 on both a horse and its first-year upkeep, looking for " a business adventure ." The cestui que was often utili......

a business affair
But big, more complicated deals were arranged by a separate unit, known as business affairs. Of course, this assumes " A Business Affair " was intended to have comedy moments. ""'A Busines......

a business call
It was a business call, but a little emotional for me, I heard it over the phone while making a business call to Greece. It is always a bad omen when a business calls in the police to prot......

a business career
Nor did she go to Wellesley with a business career in mind. They may have persuaded many bright youngsters to choose a business career. He stepped down from politics in 1992 to pursue a bu......

a business identifier
Because SWIFT originally introduced what was later standardized as Business Identifier Codes ( BICs ), they are still often called SWIFT addresses or codes. After an elaboration of section......

a business luncheon
Son said in a speech delivered at a business luncheon in Tokyo. Saint-Pierre, president of the SNC-Lavalin engineering firm, said at a business luncheon. Clinton told CNN outside a busines......

a business trip
Hartsfield supposedly wanted to meet Lynn during a business trip to Houston. The Cowboys consider their monthlong stay in Wichita Falls a business trip. He died of a stroke while on a busi......

a business zone
In 2006, a business zone in the area was officially demined. The state and port authority are developing a plan to create a business zone there, possibly including an industrial park and n......

a chancy business
"Sugaring " is a chancy business, dependent partly on outguessing the weather. The lack of regulation can make all of this a chancy business. And restaurants, as anyone who's owned one wil......